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To proclaim to our community the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14: 6—12, leading them to accept Jesus Christ   as their personal Savior, uniting with His church, nurturing and preparing for His soon return.
We are committed to the growth of every person into a ministry of Jesus Christ by helping them to discover their God-given gifts, providing the necessary training and support, encouraging them to carry out the mission within the values of the church.
True worship of our Creator-God occurs through fellowship, inspiration, education, singing, praying and studying the Bible together.
Everyone has God-given spiritual gifts and has an opportunity and a responsibility to actively use their gifts.
Witnessing and service to others represents the character of Jesus Christ.
We grow closer to Jesus Christ when time is devoted to developing our personal relationship with Him both individually and with each other.
We love everyone: our members, our guests, those we serve, those we have not met.
We value God’s Sabbath and keep it holy.
We recognize that everything comes from God and return to Him a faithful tithe and offerings of gratitude for His blessings.
To spread the gospel to our community.
To actively involve every member in the ministry of the church.
To have happy, active members.
To make Jesus Christ the center of our lives.
To have daily personal Bible study.
To live exemplary lives.
To witness for Christ at every opportunity.
To befriend, support and nurture every member and guest.
To embrace with love and warmth all who come into our church.
To develop our God-given talents for His service.